Get Involved!
Are you a health and social care student interested in joining Keep Talking Services?
Does the following interest you?
Allocating an hour of your time a week to helping others?
Unique training opportunities that are FREE?
Joining a community of students across the UK from different fields of studies all with the determination to reduce lonliness?
The process is simple:
Email alex@keeptalkingservices.com with your interest and we will send you an application form. It is very easy to fill out and is mainly gathering some basic details about you but it also gives us a chance to learn a bit more about you as person!
Once you have successfully joined, you will then be sent our guidelines, policies and procedures along with your own handbook which is full of tips and tricks about telephone befriending.
You will then be sent a handover about your client along with the process on how to facilitate the call. It is then your responsibility to book and manage your weekly call to suit the needs of both yourself and the caller.
We then ask that you fill out a brief call log which is to be sent to our team to screen.
Other than that, all we ask is that you have fun, get to know your client and most importantly KEEP TALKING!